Spatial Information and Water Research Initiative

Empowering Communities for Sustainable Practices in Water and Environment


WHERE THE MOON'S SURFACE ICE IS This image shows the locations of water ice at the Moon's south pole (left) and north pole (right) as indicated by NASA's M3 instrument onboard India's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. The ice lies in permanently shadowed regions.

Water on the Moon

The Moon captivates humanity with its mysteries. Advances in space exploration drive interest in sustaining life there. Managing scarce lunar water, a key challenge, is explored here.

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Aquifer and Groundwater

Aquifer and Groundwater: Importance in Water Management

Aquifers are underground geological formations capable of storing and transmitting significant amounts of water. They play a crucial role in maintaining water availability, especially in areas where surface water may be limited or unreliable. Aquifer recharge refers to the process by which these underground water reservoirs are replenished naturally.

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